Post 5: Changes to my study programme

Well, what can I say. Discussing the necessary changes in the country's educational system is a broad topic, but I won't delve into those details for now. As for my career, I consider it a wonderful discipline from which I would like to see greater potential extracted. Firstly, it would be beneficial to allow for the learning of multiple instruments in a more individualized and specific manner for each person, as a couple of hours a week is often not sufficient. It would also be enriching to include classes on various cultural and gender practices, such as the study of folklore or a deeper immersion in jazz, for example, and provide the necessary material to address these topics. Likewise, it would be very helpful to have reinforcement and support levels for those who encounter difficulties, as failing subjects can be frustrating. In the case of my career, there is no requirement for prior knowledge in music, so one enters without knowing much about what is expected. Additionally, I believe there are unnecessary subjects that consume a considerable amount of time, while others require more dedication and depth.

My career encompasses various areas of music, including practice, teaching, research, among others, which I find very commendable. However, I feel that it lacks in addressing more things or in a better manner. Another significant issue is the university's infrastructure, to be honest, it's a nightmare! Everything is subpar and in poor condition; we don't even have enough good quality pianos. But I could go on and on about this. 


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